Nobody wants to spend money when they don’t have to. One of the easiest ways to save money on your gas and electricity bills is to compare energy suppliers across the entire market. Once you’ve done that there are a few energy saving things you can do around the house to keep those bills low.
In the kitchen
- You can save water and electricity by not pre-rinsing your plates before they go in the dishwasher. Let the machine take the strain.
- Make the most of the energy you produce. Something as simple as leaving the door of the oven open after you’ve used it can warm your kitchen for hours after dinner is served.
- You could also consider batch-cooking meals so when you use your oven it’s full and your fuel is used efficiently After all, why waste time and money on heating the oven more than once? The microwave is a much more efficient machine for reheating.
- Only use what you need. Don’t overfill your kettle and when you’re cooking on the hob make sure your pan matches the ring. If your heat source is too small you’ll be burning fuel for longer than you need. If it’s too big you’ll waste more energy than you need.
In the laundry room
- Always try and use a line or clothes horse rather than your tumble dryer. It saves you loads of energy, and it smells better too!
- If you are going to use your dryer then take the clothes out just before they finished drying. Hang them up quickly and you can avoid having to plug in the iron.
- Think about the temperature setting you use to wash your clothes in as every degree higher that you go requires more energy. Many modern fabrics can be washed at 30 degrees. Stay as low as you can.
- If you can avoid it then don’t use your washing machine for anything less than a full load. Half-filling your machine is a waste of half the water and energy it uses!
In the bathroom
- Keep the pressure on your power shower as low as you’re happy with. Also, remember to turn the unit off when you’re not using it.
- Make sure you’re not wasting water with an inefficient shower head. Over-supply can use as much water in a couple of minutes as you would in an entire bath.
- You can also try and cut down how long you spend in the shower each time, you’re wasting time and money!
In the living room
- Every degree you can turn down your thermostat could save you £60 a year. If you can, turn down the thermostat and pop on a jumper. There’s no point in them keeping the cupboard warm!
- Try not to turn your heating on and off too often. Most of the energy used by the system is from this process. A low but constant temperature is often the most cost-effective solution.
- Open the windows on a sunny day to take advantage of natural heat. Leave your internal doors open to let the warmth circulate around the house. Investing in a good pair of curtains can also mean you’ll lose less heat during a cold winter.
- Track down any pesky draughts. Cold air coming in, or heat going out, via doors and windows can be a sink on your utility bills. Consider whether your doors, loft hatches and pipework leading outside also need sealing in. Getting a professional to do the work can cost a couple of hundred pounds, or you can do it yourself for a fraction of that price.
- Turn down the radiators in rooms that you don’t use very often. There’s no reason to heat rooms you’re not in!
In the bedroom
- Don’t leave your appliances, like phone chargers, on when you’re not using them. If they’re not connected they’ll just be draining away your hard-earned cash.
- Add an extra blanket to your bed and keep yourself toasty when the weather is cold. It’s much cheaper than turning up the heating all night!
In the loft
- Invest in some high-quality insulation that will stop energy leaking from the top of your home. It’s affordable and easy to fit. And while you’re thinking about it you could add cavity wall insulation to your home too – that’s where up to 35% of your household heat could be being lost from. The government offers a number of schemes to help you cover the cost so investigate if you can get any help.
Using your electronics
- As well as unplugging your items you should also switch things off when you’re finished. Leaving them on standby can cost you £30 a year.
- Get smart. Using a smart meter to track how much electricity you’re using, and where, can help you understand your energy usage. There’s also a lot of clever technology available which will allow you to turn your appliances on and off at a distance. This can be a neat way to only use the energy you need.
Simple steps to save energy
Once you’ve done your energy-saving tour of every room in your house there are a couple of other small steps you can take that could make a big difference to your bills.
- Change to energy efficient lightbulbs. These require a slightly higher initial investment but that will pay off in the long run.
- Block your chimneys. If you’ve switched to more modern heating methods then take the time to properly block up your chimneys and stop heat escaping.
- Fit a solar panel. This is much easier than it used to be and you may be eligible for government subsidies. The energy you generate can offset your own costs and, if you generate large amounts, you can sell it back to the grid at a profit.
These simple ideas could go a long way to reducing your utility bills – providing you’re getting the best price on your supplies. Search now to see if you can get a better deal.