Who is the cheapest energy supplier?

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It’s a good question, and according to our own research thousands of consumers are searching for answers to this question every month.

To find the cheapest electricity and gas deals you will have to do some shopping around once your tariff ends. Typically what happens after your tariff ends is that you switch automatically onto what is called the standard rate tariff – this is the most expensive type of tariff to be on.

Hence, why it pays to shop around.

Forbes Advisor UK have done all the hard work here, and have pulled together a list of the top 10 cheapest deals available in the market along with the typical cost for the year for dual fuel tariffs – and for those on tariffs expiring by the 31 July 2021.

Cheapest Energy Deals

RankEnergy SupplierTariffTypeCost
1PFP EnergyGreen Variable s2 PaperlessVariable£844.61
2Neo EnergyNEO 4.1Variable£858.59
3PFP EnergyGreen Variable s2 Paper BillingVariable£884.61
4People’s EnergyEast Lothian Fixed Tariff March 21Fixed£909.92
5Neo EnergyNEO 4.0Variable£925.36
6Square1 EnergyCrocodile21Fixed£940.04
7E.ON NextNext Exclusive v2Fixed£942.10
9PFP EnergyPriced for Protection s3 PaperlessVariable£956.18
10Outfox the MarketSummer 21 Variable v2Variable£956.92
Source: Forbes Advisor UK

You’ll be able to switch energy companies whenever you feel the time is right. Though, this does mean checking to ensure you don’t have hefty exit fee charges associated with the deal you’re currently on, and is usually £30 per fuel, if you decide to leave early. Note, that under the official rules from Ofgem you can switch to a new energy deal without paying exit fees in the last 42 days of your contract.

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